(aside) So, is this the guy?…okay (full throated) It’s the Wicker Man, right, it’s all those fucking antler movies, okay, but, BUT, here’s the thing, BUT—the movie itself is the straw man, y’get it?, the movie is the fucking straw man. Yeah, “summer blockbuster”, that’s good!
I was born smack dab in the middle of the temporal mid point of the cuban missile crises. So, you’re going have to work harder to impress me.
Puty, to paraphrase Busta, you talk shit then abandon ship. When will the people of Russia do us the courtesy of escorting you to the slide drawer?
Suggestions for 3 attribution labels better than “content creator”
Authorrex: authors which really author the shit out of it.
Authorette: authors just getting started with smaller keyboards.
Authoroni: authors like me just repackaging the ramen.
Blind taste tests need not remain exclusively the province of ads for drinks.
Conduct them yourself, on yourself, have some fun, and maybe even learn something!
- Switch a familiar UI to a different language, see how that tastes.
- Build a meal around a spice you have difficulty pronouncing, etc.
Don’t think of it as falling. Think of it as a forced advance on the ground, and you can’t miss! ♜
More Feudal Quotes
Yes, we are happy for them to mistake power for strength, why do you ask?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Right now in fact:
- I am bored listening to millionaires talk about fairness.
- I am bored listening to wolves talk about open coops being good for chickens.
- I am bored listening to spell casters talk about the facts being the problem.
Anagram Puzzle
Take these nine letters
and rearrange them into words of the given length based on the clues below.
So the answer to the first is a seven letter word and then a two letter word. The answer to the next uses the same nine letters, but the answer is three words of length 1, 3, and 5, and the order matters.
Make sense? Have at it! DON’T peak at the footnotes (answers)!
Mock-worthy sales pitch: 7,2 1
What Stormy might say: 1,3,5 2
Desert land offer: 6,3 3
Put down cheeses: 4,5 4
Point out flood tools: 2,7 5
What a knight vampire might say: 1,3,5 6
Pacific Rim, Dark Tower star: 5,4 7
Tony west coast bad mouthing: 3,3,3 8
Women kid! : 6,3 9
Bonus! - Add one letter for a 10 letter anagram, the clue: Bawdy fun: 10 10
[ edit: I had a clue badly wrong. Fixed. Y’all get more time to solve! ]
[ edit: I added two more clues and a bonus! I’ll post the answer in reply here. ]
[ edit: I changed things around a bit and gave the 9 letters to get you started. ]
Watch OUT, here come the answers… ❥
Fictional Album
xenomorph spirograph freakout — seethe
[ edit: congrats to all who grabbed the rare version! ]