If you must establish the contra-position, that you are in fact an invested sports buff, simply claim “If more of you understood the icing rule, we would all be better off!” with enough confidence to keep everyone nodding rather than asking what the hell you mean.
Well…sure, you can take an umbrella into the shower with you, but…uh…maybe explain again what you mean by dry?
Just Noticing
I’m just noticing that a lot of my ground truth on matters internetty is based on the proposition that the internet is on a continuum with other means of individual creative expression; internet, tv, movies, radio…(skip ahead, brother)…live voice, our bodies. And that it is also this way with tools of individual education, certainly. But (ding!) others may see the thing differently. Perhaps as primarily a token game platform, or a herding mechanism.
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot just to prove them wrong about the gun being loaded.
Tottenham’s doing a great job watching Liverpool play.
Reject expectation and affectation,
they exasperate in explanation,
embrace instead reflection on aspiration,
both in body and imagination,
therein—clarity and rejuvenation.
From Distinctly Leaden and Overwrought – Misuse of the EmDash over the Centuries, A. Thistlemitten, 2023
Big drama at Talladega finish! Like a movie that actually happened.
Then carefully replace that little paper seal.
Yes, after putting the cards in the correct order.
Then mail it with a little personal msg.
Which you playback against the cards, et voilà!
And the little piece of chocolate?
Who doesn’t like chocolate?
🗝 👀
The single biggest issue facing people today is urgent over-generalization! Wake up, man!
The only way to fix it is with platitudes! Let’s go!
♜ ❥
It’s clear, yes? You want the auditors asking themselves why the admiral prints two copies a lot, rather than why the hell is Sgt. Suspect printing out those files?