Okay. It wasn’t band-aids, those were just more label parts. But it’s fine. They’re gone. It is plausible that I bought this gadget brand new and just got the power cord all dirty since I brought it home. Plausible.

Whatevs. It’s roomy and boomy!

“No, you can barely notice…why all the band-aids, though?”

Ahhhh. AHHH. That’s all the dawn in the house. Ahhhh! AHHH!

And now my battle weary thumbnail must again walk the killing fields, each attempt to remove the last few bits of flits seems to generate more… a smear of greygreen super mush with Adhereon™ permachemical magic. Excuse me a moment…

There are two kinds of labels in this great land of ours: The ones you can peel off easily and say, ahh, nice! and the ones which cling, tear, leave adhesive evidence, and are never convincingly removed. I WAS MARKED DOWN!!! THIS GUY WONT PAY FULL PRICE!!!

Thrilled to have wheels and appetite and time for tonight’s crank & grind ride!

 Lambda Glider - EBike on city street.

A private suspicion for quite a long time: Brain experiment suggests that consciousness relies on quantum entanglement - Big Think

Hey Reddit Fin Team, go ƒuck yourselves! It’s free.

Just exactly how many action film franchises have the dead love interest underwater scene? It’s in Lethal Weapon. It’s in Bourne. It’s in Bond.

I’m interested in that alien environment with no air, float and stare moment as a popular aesthetic choice for the brutal, typical plot development of the lead character.

Is it in other films I’m not remembering right now?

Surreal? Yessir!

Recent reporting about the USAF AI McGuffin immediately brought a recent documentary about De Beers, Nothing Lasts Forever, to mind. Let me explain.

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