@bjhess Right? Let’s take an OG brand synonymous with premium film, before and after streaming disruption, and just throw it out the window cuz words with an ‘x’ poll better. Argh.
@fgtech Indeed. Socks are one of many names for the built-to-purpose holes we’re so fond of: pockets, cups, gloves, tubs, so many... 🤓
@Matti “...okay...2/3rds exposed, 43º by 7º off, 75% jump power...easy...easy...they might just drop it...humidity steady...could be pepperoni...maybe just lean forward...”
@Annie Higher praise not oft given voice! It too is one of my all time, would say hi again, fav experiences—and not just with tech either. Of course this really just indicates that a bounty of ineptitude is available to me at any particular moment. :-)
@toddgrotenhuis maybe collect something smaller to justify this collection, guitar picks, paper clips, matches, dice, washers, nails, etc? Disclosure: I love having this sort of problem to solve! ❤︎ 🧐😏☘︎
@darby3 I’ve just been alerted that mentioning Idiocracy is in fact the only non-sequitur which is simultaneously a pithy insight no matter the context—intrinsically apropos. :-)
@pratik right on p!
@Archimage So, Fred is the suitcase, and the speaker’s husband?
@hawaiiboy Sweet! Bon appétit!—uh, Toll! Meshiagare!
@Matti "...you thinky you got it—but I got it before thinky...