@HLGEM I would tell you to go fuck yourself, but I don’t think you could manage it.
@HLGEM Well, thank you for establishing, like a few others who stormed in here from mastodon land, your intellect and intent.
@Matti "...so if the whole world is moving...then I’m moving...sure doesn’t feel like it tho..."
@MitchW They are a simple people with a clear plan. Doomed, and stupefyingly ignorant in its general shape—and in all the specifics—but a plan, nevertheless.
@fraying (in a monty python voice) Oohh what a giveaway!
The vehemence level of the hatred expressed is a good indicator of the internal hypocrisy or dissonance which generates it. All this scratching is making me itch.
@fraying Yes. Joy!
All the panic and hate, it is surreal like the Ted2 verdict. argh.
@HLGEM And as far as rhetorical impact is concerned, when you lead with "my body was violated in extremis" then end with "and some of us don’t get to be in movies", well, it dilutes the force, and more dangerously, invites assholes to dismiss the whole of what you’ve said, what you’ve lived, based on some semantic bullshit.
Remember these asshooles (well-schooled assholes) don’t really stand for anything, so they lurk, waiting for the chance to decontextualize your statements to turn them into treats for their acolytes.
@HLGEM Do you get what I’m on about? I agree with you that men, as a class, have a lot left to be desired. Encouraging them with good swift kicks to the buttocks on the regular is not beyond the boundaries of decorum.
But I’m not men, I’m just me.
@HLGEM I said it before: don’t pretend you know me, cuz’ cousin’, ya don’t.
@HLGEM And what do you find offensive about me? Really, you haven’t a clue. If I wrote off every group because one of the group members was a bad actor, well my social world wouldn’t be one. And that’s what makes you sound like a dogma automat.