@dispatchesfrom Abso-frickin-lutely...! I don’t think I would have a personality if it wasn’t for SecretAgent radio.
@JohnPhilpin I always thought the point was that there was a point :-).
@Matti "Hmm, far seems as far from here as from where I started..."
@AndyNicolaides "You’re laughing, but I get it. It is too inefficient. Let’s just all use '12345' instead, okay?"
@gingerjet "Well, we are going to do it! Abbie, you get Bob’s old password, and Bob gets Charlie’s, Charlie gets Debbie’s, and so on..."
@cheesemaker looks like a chip that isn’t pushed down all the way...
@chrisd formative work for me, along w/ Slaughterhouse 5, and Cat’s Cradle.
@maique It is, literally.
A very effective strategy to protect the status quo is to claim that the status quo is, in fact, the natural world and not our elaborate construction.
They tell us the world is just like this and nothing can be done about it. But the world is subject to our will as far as we are able to exercise it. Astounding is that one need be told this, it is obvious to any who look. But seeing isn’t always believing, right?
@jayeless “HEY, what do you think you’re doing!”
@AndyNicolaides “He has a wife you know…Incontinentia…”