
@mattgemmell nice, but maybe after the title? And, no, I don’t know why I want the text all lined up, but I do. 😀

@mellowdave can’t believe training would have missed clear understanding of credibility flow. That he didn’t understand the context...well...maybe...

@odd everyone still thinks that means smaller holes, but I tell ya, it means better edge folding.

@jsonbecker Yes, and that overarching fact is everywhere all the time when I think about it. The racism, sexism, [insert your fav]-ism as grounds for the hate, fear, and greed expressed with violent rhetoric and real cruelty to the "losers"— that whole shitty story fits the rapist clergy, movie executive abusers, extremists in the military, CEO ghouls in healthcare, thieving financial charlatans, know-nothing journalists, more high school principals than anybody cares to remember. Fucking hell. What are we doing?

@petebrown I like this thinking. Enforcement in this domain suffers from all the same pitfalls as enforcement in the financial domain. Both could be improved by this easy two pronged approach. (Prongs are always good in public policy).

First is to advance a campaign to make adherence to the law cool. If you can elevate the idea of civil enforcement as worthy of admiration, a demonstration of real skill and tenacity, then maybe you’ve got a foothold.

Second, write software that provides un-fudgeable and publicly inspectable records for the decision points that the electorate are entitled to know about. It is so simple a concept it buggers the imagination to actually vocalize it. In short, get a receipt, America.

@pratik Not just the young men.

Many are retreating to a sort of emotional solipsism which I think is the “whatʼs wrong”.

It’s tricky. Lots of dynamics at play.
