Posts in: Education

Fictional Investor Brief

Turing Tours - AI Training

Company Name Turing Tours
Industry AI Training Data Sets
Founded 2023
Assets IP ownership and license in excess of 12.5k petas (raw, estimated)
CRate Domain conversion exceeds ~200 gigs per day/domain
EYield Entropy holds at -.03

Trusted Securities Advisor ChatGPT

Trusted securities advisor ChatGPT says this is what we’ll hear from the Federal Reserve in their next statement (Note that ChatGPT has no information past September 2021): At the Federal Reserve, we are deeply concerned about the current banking liquidity crisis. We understand the challenges faced by financial institutions in managing their liquidity risk in the current environment of heightened uncertainty and volatility. To address this crisis, we are taking several measures to support the liquidity needs of banks and ensure the stability of the financial system.

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Quote from Finite and Infinite Games which struck as wisdom and stuck with me since:

To be prepared against surprise is to be trained.
To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.
— James Carse

Hey Texas, do you want to establish fertile ground for a black-market on abortion-pills? Because that’s how … oh, god, it’s so tiring…

Hey Tennessee, do you want more drag shows, cuz, that’s how you get more drag shows.

Can I draw your attention to another cockamamie idea from almost a hundred years ago: prohibition?

Do I have to hold your hand for the rest of this—do you want a link or something?

I can’t wait until this kind of BS is 100 years ago as well.

Spent the day hanging with ChatGPT; what an amiable, well informed idiot.

Atomic Blonde 2049

Atomic Blonde is a great spy thriller movie. But let’s say Atomic Blonde was a spy thriller franchise, spanning decades, wherein the iconic character was portrayed by Meryl Streep, then Sigourney Weaver, then Charlize Theron, and then, say, Emma Stone. Now suppose NotFlicks decides that they stand to make more money if the lead is black but not too black, white women being sort of out of fashion and all, so Atomic Blonde 18 — Direct to Stream stars Trevor Noah.

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Corporations are people, and therefore need to feel very bad things when they break the law, so they will remember, and won’t break the law again. Where does the corporation feel things? In its head of course. Responsibility lies here too, poetically. So take the top three layers, just to be sure.BTW, this is exactly the kind of bullshit I was talking about back here.
