I could tell you my thoughts on page design while wearing my bathrobe and reading from ink-smudged index cards. Or I could tell you my thoughts on page design while wearing neoprene ninja pajamas and reading from my AR goggles. Or I could tell you my thoughts on page design while wearing MacGruber's plaid shirt, tan vest, and denim, reading from notes stapled to my hand.
The data presented is the same in each case, but the effects are hardly equivalent. Is it worth putting on the costumes and going through the pain to achieve the desired impact? Sure. As MacGruber would perhaps put it: "...there's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens." ❡
@kq @tdarb @manuelmoreale.com @pimoore @jasonekratz @leonp @m2m @kev @gregmoore