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@bkryer @kq aesthetics masquerading as morality is the slow connection. anybody visiting my site is on the web recreationally and should, in my view, appreciate anything and everything offered to them—rather than complaining that the drapes are too nice or the sauce too tasty, or worse, to tell me I should reach the same conclusions.

I hope my overall point is clear, tho, so at risk of redundancy, when I say "nobody cares" what I mean to say is it is my guess that 9 out of 10 people, when pressed, would have no more than the most superficial understanding of the work you do (related to web etc.). Easily, and the 10th, has more of an idea, can catch a glimpse of your concerns about bandwidth and storage, but they are remote and abstract.

I’m concerned about questions like: can we design an image format that can always consume all the previous image formats and produce acceptable facsimiles?

So sometimes I say stuff upside down and backwards...🤨🧐🙃

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