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@jdp23 re: \ article, I think the lessons fail to concede that the entire framework presumes that only a company or consortium can do this and everything else is moot. That’s true in capitalism only land, but also dumb in other places. Of course, identity and it’s facets of anonymity and pseudo-anonymity and so on must be controlled by each individual, tut there is hardly a commercial interest in making individuals even more powerful and responsible. SO it is hard to conceive of other avenues OUTSIDE of a commercial proposition.

Look, us citizens have SSN’s. Are we all zombie prisoners because of this obtaining reality? No. Geebus, we all carry around phones that contain SO MUCH TECH but 99% haven’t a clue what they even are, never mind what implications it could have for them. ANYWAY, if we are comfortable getting tagged at birth, and then rewarded with a tracking device when we are estimated to have enough "self-control", then why not hand everyone a site while we’re at it. Here’s your SSN, here’s your, uh, 'phone', I guess, and here's the temp login for

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