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@jamesarosen this mobbing thing right? also super-gross! (why I’m using vocabulary better suited to 80’s valley talk? I don’t know either) I somehow want them all to be actual people, rather than the robot hordes they increasingly are. Actual people can be reached and perhaps it’s worth it sometimes.

It does seem fittingly surreal that when the apparatus comes along to allow anyone to express themselves in exactly the way they want to—this internet thing—to everyone else alive on the planet, that so many would yearn for clouds of cotton conformity to ensure none are offended, so none can fool us for a moment to make us laugh, so that no one is surprised.

It is also quite terrible that some think pretending to be horrible is so funny and don’t see that they run the risk of becoming or actually are horrible. I work hard not to be that idiot...

...and I frequently get "free help" 🤒 from others supporting that aim.

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