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@mbkriegh @pimoore @patrickrhone @denny

I'm not convinced there will ever be an “end” to rhetorical lunacy presented as “information” in what is now our baseline news manufacturing systems. We err when assuming Social Media is something new, something in addition to News. It‘s just more news. That news could be so local, and opinionated, and factually mistaken, and petty, and inconsequential, and believed by many, and easily discarded when new News tells a better story, well, that has been going on a long time.

And because there are now so many narratives from which to construct your lifestyle, no one has had to face too many serious challenges to the fantastical nonsense they have come to accept as reality. Witches are in Salem. Children eat laundry soap. Overeating is a disease. Race preempts individuated responses. Guns are natural.

We should expect more crazy shit like this on the regular for quite a while because it is journalism, not news, that is going away, at least the conception of it we‘ve developed from the mid 20th century to date.

But of course the “it” you meant was Trumpism, which can be reduced to cultism in my book, which can further be reduced to a natural culling of the population based on cognitive rather than motor abilities. So “it” will end when folks smarten up. I'm not holding my breath.

They say the fittest shall survive, yet the unfit may live.

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